Jim R. Sibley’s Contributions

  1. Voices of Messianic Judaism, “Messianic Jews May Join Bible-Believing Churches”
  2. Moody Handbook of Messianic Prophesy, “Deuteronomy 18:15-19: The Prophet Like Moses”
  3. A Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith, “Jewish Groups in the First Century”
  4. A Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith, “The Jewish Disciples in the Book of Acts”
  5. A Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith, “Paul’s View of Israel and the Nations”
  6. A Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Gospels, “Ecclesiology: Jews and Gentiles in the Gospels”
  7. Upholding God’s Word, Reaching God’s Chosen, “Judah Monis: ‘First’ American Jewish Believer
  8. The Future Restoration of Israel: A Response to Supersessionism, “Was Ethnic Israel’s Mission Transferable?”

Jim R. Sibley’s Articles


Has the Church Put Israel on the Shelf?

The relationship of the church to Israel is central to ecclesiology. Many scholars and theologians hold supersessionist understandings of the...

Who Are the People of Israel? A Biblical Discussion of Identity

Definitions can be tricky. There are so very many ways to define the Jewish people. I'd like to thank the person who taught me the definition of...


Yeshua the Prophet like Moses is Born

For some, the Christmas narrative has become trite, something to be toyed with, but the story of the infant in the manager is not some fairy tale....

The Lesson of the Loaves

When Jesus feeds the multitude by multiplying bread, it is not lost on the people that he is the Prophet Moses predicted. Yet, the people - and even...

From Moses to Messiah in a Wedding, Water, and Wine

Why does Jesus turn water into wine? Is he announcing the fading of the Law? No,rather he is announcing the new Exodus and his identity as Moses'...

Here comes the Judge

Moses served as a judge for Israel. His judging was not a condemning or critical type of judging but making decisions regarding disputes or...

A Journey of Discovery

Following the Resurrection, two disciples of Jesus left Jerusalem, walking to the townof Emmaus about seven miles away. As they walked together, a...

Water for an Israelite

The Samaritans, who only acknowledge the Pentateuch as inspired, were looking for Moses' successor, the giver of water. It's the woman at the well...

The Storm of Revelation

Why does the text say that Jesus intended to pass by his frightened disciples on the lake, and how does that have to do with Moses’ divine encounter...

Ascending the Moutain of God

Jesus’s transfiguration looks back to Moses’ transforming encounter with the God of Israel and points forward to the Son of Man, the...

Moses and the Last Supper

Only one character in the Tanakh can truly be said to be the One prophesied to succeed Moses in Deuteronomy 18:15–19: The Servant of the Lord...

The Temptation in the Wilderness

Jesus fasts 40 days in the wilderness as Moses does. This and other parallels with Israel are expressions of Jesus’ ministry as the ultimate,...


The Wolff and the Moon

Two significant individuals, Lilli Wolff and Peter Plotkin, with a deep connection in faith and artistry, despite their different backgrounds and...

Fisk and Parsons

The missionary work of Levi Parsons and Pliny Fisk, who were part of the early American Protestant missionary efforts in the Middle East,...


Has the Church Put Israel on the Shelf?

The relationship of the church to Israel is central to ecclesiology. Many scholars and theologians hold supersessionist understandings of the...

James (Jim) R. Sibley, Ph.D.

Ministry Statement Having had a particular interest and involvement with the Jewish people from the age of fourteen, I have come to understand that the Jewish people are the key to understanding Scripture, theology, and...

Yeshua the Prophet like Moses is Born

For some, the Christmas narrative has become trite, something to be toyed with, but the story of the infant in the manager is not some fairy tale. It is the revelation of the King-Like-David, the Redeemer of Israel and the Nations.

Water for an Israelite

The Samaritans, who only acknowledge the Pentateuch as inspired, were looking for Moses' successor, the giver of water. It's the woman at the well who first puts the pieces together and recognizes the long-awaited...

The Temptation in the Wilderness

Jesus fasts 40 days in the wilderness as Moses does. This and other parallels with Israel are expressions of Jesus’ ministry as the ultimate, prophesied Prophet—the One to whom Israel must harken. Third in a year-long series.

A Journey of Discovery

Following the Resurrection, two disciples of Jesus left Jerusalem, walking to the townof Emmaus about seven miles away. As they walked together, a stranger joined themand intruded into their conversation. The stranger was the Prophet Like...

The Lesson of the Loaves

When Jesus feeds the multitude by multiplying bread, it is not lost on the people that he is the Prophet Moses predicted. Yet, the people - and even the disciples - fail to understand what this prophetic role would...

Ascending the Moutain of God

Jesus’s transfiguration looks back to Moses’ transforming encounter with the God of Israel and points forward to the Son of Man, the Prophet-Like-Moses, ruling and reigning at the right hand of the Father

Judah Monis: “First” American Jewish Believer

Who was the first Jewish believer in North America? It all depends on what one means by the word, “first.” In truth, only the Lord knows. Hugh J. Schonfield says, “When Christopher Columbus set out on his voyage that led to the discovery of the New World, there were … Jewish Christians among the members of his own crew.” Unfortunately, he offers no documentation. Others have tried (unsuccessfully, in my opinion) to prove that Christopher Columbus, himself, was a Christian of Jewish descent.

Publications and Papers

Publications Contributions to Books: “Was Ethnic Israel’s Mission Transferrable?” In The Future Restoration of Israel: A Reply to Supersessionism. Edited by Stanley Porter and Alan E. Kurschner, 177–94. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2023. “Judah Monis:...