Review: Our Father Abraham (Mishkan 11, 1989)

Marvin R. Wilson is a prominent evangelical author who is well-qualified to write on this important topic. Our Father Abraham seems to be, in fact, an expansion of the author’s previous article, “Hebrew Thought in the Life of the Church” (in The Living and Active Word of God, ed. M. Inch and S. J. Schultz. Winona Lake, Indiana: 1983. pp.123-135). Beginning with the basic premise that “the roots of Christianity run deep into Hebrew soil” (back cover), this book is intended to be “an exposition of what it means for today’s Church to be part of Abraham’s spiritual family.” (p. xvi) Wilson is professor of Biblical and Theological Studies at Gordon College in Wenham, Massachusetts; he has long been active in Jewish/ Christian dialogue; and he has been a prominent spokesman on Jewish/ Christian relations. His voice is one which must not be ignored.